Saturday, January 28

Have you read the Alchemist?

If not, you should. Paulo Coelho is the author of the Alchemist and is currently featured prominently on, read the following blog post authored by Coelho himself explaining why.

I think it might make me enjoy his book even more.

The Pirate Bay starts today a new and interesting system to promote arts
Do you have a band? Are you an aspiring movie producer? A comedian? A cartoon artist?
They will replace the front page logo with a link to your work.
As soon as I learned about it, I decided to participate. Several of my books are there, and 
as I said in a previous post, My thoughts on SOPA, the physical sales of my books are 
growing since my readers post them in P2P sites.
Welcome to download my books for free and, if you enjoy them, buy a hard copy – the 
way we have to tell to the industry that greed leads to nowhere.
The Pirate Coelho

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