Saturday, November 27


I have declared today Saturonday because I spent this morning with @mattDavidson  at a conference learning all about UX user experience-- which is actually fascinating by the way. (I think I find it so intriguing because it looks at how users feel, highlighting the experiential aspects of human-computer interaction... it is in a way, online people watching, watching). I'm now working away on a proposal-- and being thankful that the wind outside is so chilly. I don't feel so bad about being stuck inside. So basically Saturonday is a new addition to my work week, and a symptom of procrastination. That being said this song just came on my iTunes and I wanted to share it with y'all because its fantastic- which is why I am taking a break from the work.

Happy Sateronday to everyone with the exception of those of you who have been on a chair lift today, to you I tip my hat and shake my fist in envy. 

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