Thursday, April 8

cadbury mini eggs a la nail polish.

I automatically associate these nail polish colours with cadbury mini eggs... that may or may not be a good thing (as is the fact that they are now available in Canada year round). As usual I digress...

Some cute colours for spring, I wonder if wearing them will subconscious increase my desire to consume those delicious little eggs. I know a few girls with the mint candy apple (green), it looks better in person and is available here for purchase online.  I swear this is not a plug for essie... but it has proved to be a suitable "replacement" for the beloved Chanel Jade (which is difficult to acquire). I'll be honest here and just come out and say it, there isn't really any "replacement" for Chanel. Not meant to be snobby, but it is what it is. 

I am typically more of a gray, shades of blue,  maybe even red from time to time so these are a little bit sunshine-and-lollipops, but change is good.. or immanent.. or constant.. whatever. Come on spring.

1 comment:

  1. Man, green nail polish is all the rage these days! I keep seeing it everywhere. These pastel colors are perfectly pretty. :)
